Capital & Endowment Gifts
Donors who make commitments to the Academy of Notre Dame Endowment and capital initiatives are vital contributors to the long-term viability of the Academy.
The Fund for Notre Dame supports annual operating priorities, while endowment and capital gifts address significant institutional needs now and into the future.
Traditionally, capital gifts help to fund building, physical plant, and technology projects, while gifts to the endowment provide financial security. Donors are welcome to work with Academy staff to make a capital gift or establish an endowed fund that is meaningful for the family and addresses institutional priorities such as campus/technology improvements, scholarships, faculty development, and academic enhancements. You can learn more about our current Endowed Funds on our Scholarships and Financial Assistance page.
The Academy of Notre Dame welcomes the support of our community members who wish to invest in the School’s future through gifts to the endowment, and to specific capital projects to renovate and enhance the Academy’s campus. To begin the conversation, please contact Jennifer Klein in the Advancement Office at (978) 649-7611, Ext. 322, or at [email protected].